Become A Coach

Grants for adaptive athletes to become a Coach (any sport)

Successfully educating and training adaptive athletes on their road to becoming Adaptive Coaches, we are honored to have them working right now at CrossFit Rubicon and on our Board of Directors and Staff. Through them we are facilitating the reintegration of other permanently injured athletes back into both the sporting community and the local community at large. Crossroads has developed internship process whereby adaptive athletes are able to hone their coaching skills to become part of the overall solution.

The ultimate goal of the Crossroads Alliance is not only to serve these adaptive athletes, but also to help educate and enable them to run and develop projects on a management level and thereby supply meaningful employment. To do this we provide grants for certifications, internships, seminars, and workshops that further an adaptive athlete’s progress to become a coach or trainer in any sport.

Grant applications are reviewed quarterly – March, June, September, and December. If you miss the deadline for one quarter, the grant will be reviewed in the subsequent quarter.

Grant Application (PDF)


The seminar is a one-day intensive program designed to introduce coaches to the intricacies of adapting programming for athletes with varying physical impairments. It is a hands-on workshop where coaches and athletes will have the opportunity to understand adaptation needs through practice.

Upon completion, participants will better understand movement adjustments needed to maintain an inclusionary environment when adaptive athletes are present. They will feel more comfortable communicating with and coaching adaptive athletes. This program has been approved for 8 CEUs of General Professional Development by the CrossFit Certification Department as well as CEUs from NASM and AFAA

Register for a Seminar near you »

Sample Schedule:

  • 0800-0830 Check-in and Admin
  • 0830-0900 Workout 1
  • 0900-0930 Intros and Crossroads mission; Why inclusion benefits all athletes/coaches
  • 0900-0930 Lecture: Adapted Athletics
  • 0945-1030 Lecture: General Info About Training Adaptive Athletes
  • 1045-1130 Assessment Protocol
  • 1130-1200 Workout 2
  • 1200-1300 Working Lunch
  • 1300-1315 Tips for Breakout Sessions
  • 1315-1400 Movement modification demos
  • 1410-1450 Athlete Screening and Breakout Sessions
  • 1450-1510 Breakout Presentation
  • 1510-1540 Programming Breakout Session
  • 1540-1555 Breakout Presentation
  • 1600-1630 Closing