Anne Lee, Seminar Coach

Having been born with cerebral palsy, I have never let it hinder me from achieving things in life, especially athletics.  Swimming, and wheelchair track and field were the main sports I grew up with most of my life that led up to junior and national competition.

When college years hit, I put sports aside to focus on my education in family science; and I am currently obtaining my graduate degree in School Counseling.  During these times, I felt the need to push myself even more to get back into shape and to bring back my inner athlete.  So, I decided to take on Crossfit.

With the encouragement of David “Chef” Wallach, Jason Sturm, and other coaches at Crossfit Rubicon, my adventure with adaptive crossfit began in July 2014, and I have been hooked ever since.  Later that year, I competed in my first-ever Working Wounded Games.

Living a life with cerebral palsy is more of an opportunity than a struggle.  I love taking on life for what it is and living it to the best of my ability!  There will be numerous hurdles still to overcome, but I am a firm believer in that without challenge there will be no change, and without change there will be no movement.  I have been truly blessed by my disability.  I would not have half the experiences or be half the person I am today without it. 

The biggest thing I have learned so far from this new journey is that you not only train for the sport, but also for life and for fun.  Not only do I train for myself, but in hopes to make a difference for others, adaptive and able-bodied individuals alike.

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