Sponsor an Athlete

Crossroads is #ByAdaptive4Adaptive and our entire volunteer staff are adaptive athletes. They actively promote inclusion of adaptive athletes in sport and fitness through education, mentoring, and setting the example. They do all of this on a volunteer status and without Grant support from Crossroads so that the charity can support adaptive athletes all over the world and not just those we call family. Now is your opportunity to help support them.

We have created restricted funding lines that allow you to donate to Crossroads but focus the funds toward one of our awesome staff members’ goals. Anything raised above their stated need will be put into Crossroads’ funds to help others. As a 501c3, all of your donations are tax deductible.

Dave Newkirk


Standing ParaVolleyball makes a bid for 2020 Olympics and Coach Dave has a shot at getting the US there!!

World ParaVolleyball (WPV) says if standing beach volleyball were introduced to the Paralympics, teams of three would compete, working within a classification system which promotes the inclusivity of the sport.

“World ParaVolley continues to go from strength to strength with members numbers, fanbase and participation numbers growing rapidly and these World Championships, which was part of a trifecta of events which The Netherlands Volleyball Federation hosted at the same time, are testament to this,” the organization’s president said.

In order to progress the sport, the US team needs to compete the 2019 WPV World Series Beach Open in May in Pingtan, China.

Flight = $2,000

Room and Board for entire tournament = $861

Uniforms and incidentals = $750

Tournament fees = still TBD


Help Dave out by making a tax deductible donation today!

Please help him to grow the sport for the next generation by competing for my country towards a national team spot for the 2020 Summer Paralympics. Any amount will help.