Logan Farr, Seminar Coach

I have always loved competing and being active. In high school I wasn’t that good of an athlete until my senior year when something clicked and then I was actually pretty good in track and field! I basically graduated then left for Air Force basic. After that was done I went on to train to become a firefighter I as then stationed at Beale Air Force base in California and what they don’t tell you about that base if you have never been to California is that the entire state is not sunshine and beaches which I soon found out.

California is where I was introduced to Crossfit and it brutalized me needless to say i loved it. after almost 3 years in I went out with my buddies from the Fire department to celebrate my 21st birthday. No one knows exactly what happened but long story short is that some how I ended up on the train tracks where I was hit by a train. I ended up losing both feet but I am not one to feel sorry for my self I own that this could have probably been prevented but everyone has their path for better or worse. After the 2nd day of surgeries I was given a bar to help me pull myself up out of bed which I ended up using for pull ups and doing ab workouts in my bed. within 2 weeks, I was released in a wheelchair. I was back in the gym the same day getting back to the grind knowing that if I just sat around i would probably mope and never get better. after 3 months of working out in my wheelchair i competed in the Crossfit Open WheelWOD version and placed 6th which made me realize I had what it takes to compete with some of the best adaptive athlete!

Now that I have my prosthesis I am working out everyday training with the goal of being a paralympic bobsledder thanks to Jason strum and hopefully one day competing in the Crossfit games. I found Crossroads online looking for adaptive athletes. I found out they were having a seminar in San Jose and I went. I met some of the coolest guys in the industry and hopefully friends for life. Currently I have my Crossfit Level 1 with more certs on the way!

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