July 3, 2017

Grants and Resources

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Crossroads reviews Education and Competition Grant applications at quarterly Board Meetings. Here are other opportunities throughout the year for grants.

Adaptive Sports Equipment Grants

Challenged Athletes Foundation’s Access for Athletes Grants
Steps in where rehabilitation and health insurance end by providing funding grants for adaptive sports equipment such as sports wheelchairs, handcycles, mono skis and sports prosthetics, and resources for training and competition expenses directly to physically challenged individuals. Access for Athletes surmounts financial impediments to participation in sports, ensuring that challenged athletes are not left on the sidelines because they can’t afford expensive equipment or training costs.

Kelly Brush Foundation
Individual Grant Program awards grants to individuals with paralysis due to a spinal cord injury (SCI). The purpose of the individual grant program is to increase participation in adaptive sports and recreation activities and improve the quality of life for individuals living with SCI. Allows disadvantaged individuals with SCI to purchase adaptive sporting equipments such as a mono ski or a hand cycle. In order for an individual to qualify for the grant he or she must be living in the United States and must supply the Foundation with information about their spinal cord injury, details on their source of income, and a description of the type of equipment they are seeking. 802-846-5298

The Michael-Ryan Pattison Foundation
Mission is to increase the level of awareness and support for those living with paralysis while enabling access to a range of specialized therapies focused on improving their overall quality of life. Offers scholarships for standing frames…
(425) 466-3030

Assistive Technology Grants

Amy Van Dyken Foundation
Provides essential medical equipment for people with spinal cord injuries who cannot afford these necessities.

Travis Roy Foundation
Dedicated to enhancing the life of individuals with spinal cord injuries and their families by providing adaptive sports equipment and assistive technology. Travis Roy Foundation is dedicated to finding a cure for spinal cord injury through increased funding of research, resulting in self-reliance and the ability to be as independent as possible… Examples of eligible items include upgrade and maintenance of wheelchairs, vehicle modifications (i.e., hand controls or lifts), small home modifications including ramp and lift installation, computers, and other adaptive equipment.

General or Multipurpose Grants

Be Perfect SCI Foundation
The Foundation offers scholarships for activity-based therapy at Project Walk to qualified recipients. Our non-profit also provides funds to those needing wheelchairs, adapting cars, as well as covering unpaid medical bills to those who cannot afford to pay their deductibles and general daily medical necessities. Bathroom aids such as shower chairs would also be considered for coverage. (909) 593-9539

Byron Riesch Paralysis Foundation
Their goal is to find a cure for paralysis through funding the latest in medical research and to provide assistance to those that suffer from neurological disorders. Typical charitable grants to individuals have provided home and transportation accessibility assistance to those living with mobility disabilities with preference purpose going to those living with spinal cord injury. Other adaptive equipment such as shower chairs or computers are considered as well. Also award scholarships both for the spring and fall semesters to individuals that are either suffering from a neurological disorder or have parents that suffer from a neurological disorder. Phone: (262) 547-2083

CMMS Deshae Lott Ministries Inc
Quality-of-life grant recipients have applied funds to accessibility modifications for their homes, travel expenses related to treatment, durable medical equipment, other medical and personal care supplies, dental care, and home-based caregiving expenses that help them avoid institutionalization. The post bachelor’s degree scholarship recipients have used awards to fund care givers, medical equipment, and tuition expenses during a course of study at graduate or professional school including the fields of business administration and finance, information, social work, law, art, and divinity.

Friends of Man
Friends of Man helps people of all ages with a large variety of needs: Mobility Equipment: (prostheses, wheelchairs, van lifts, and modifications, ramps, home modifications), Medical Equipment and Procedures, Hearing Aids, Dentures, Glasses, Basic Needs: Clothing for Children, Food, Short-term Daycare, Prescriptions, Cobra/Health Insurance And More!!
Phone: (303) 798-2342

High Fives Non-Profit Foundation
The Empowerment Fund provides resources and inspiration to those who suffer a life-altering injury. Life-altering injuries are injuries such as spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, amputation or other mobility-limiting injuries that occurred in an athlete’s lifetime. The resources and inspiration we provide come in the form of board-approved grant funding paid to service providers in nine funding categories: living expenses, insurance, health, travel, High Fives Healing Network, adaptive equipment, winter equipment, and “stoke” (positive energy, outlook, attitude).
Phone: (530) 562 4270

Modest Needs
Modest Needs is a national nonprofit empowering members of the general public to make small, emergency grants to low-income workers who are at risk of slipping into poverty.
(212) 463-7042

SCORE (Spinal Cord Opportunities for Rehabilitation Endowment)
Aims to assist young people who have been injured while participating in sporting events or athletic recreation… SCORE endeavors to improve the quality of life for people with a spinal cord injury, assisting with the substantial out-of-pocket costs associated with obtaining the best medical care, home amenities and transportation. The end goal is to facilitate rehabilitation and independent living.
(323) 655-8298

Triumph Foundation 
Triumph Foundation pairs individuals with sponsors who can help meet their needs; we have a Fundraising Partnership where we team up with an individual to raise funds for specific items or services; we have an Equipment & Supply Exchange program where we help find a home for old, used, and extra equipment & supplies and arrange for it to be given to people who are in need; we loan items to people to increase independence and functionality; and we provide financial assistance through our Keep Moving Forward Grant program.
(661) 803-3700

Home Modification & Housing Grants

Elderly or Disabled Living
As a nonprofit 501c3 charity, EDL’s mission is to reduce costs associated with housing. We specifically provide help to lower income elderly or disabled individuals. EDL is not a home care facility though. Our nonprofit has many cost reducing techniques available to us. EDL’s service includes but isn’t limited to monetary assistance (e.g. the following is not aexclusive list): Dr. bills, cable, internet, health insurance, car payment, electric, rent, and mortgage

Joseph Groh Foundation
The charter for the Joseph S Groh foundation as filed with the IRS states they are dedicated to providing financial support to those connected with the construction trades industry (plumbing, HVAC, electrical, roofing etc.) who are living with life altering injuries. Assistance provided is designed to pay for the provision of material (i.e. Durable medical equipment, etc.) or for services rendered. (i.e. construction of ramps to the home, widening of doorways, reconstruction of bathrooms for wheelchair access, etc.)
Phone: 214-998-9749

Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants
Provides loans to very-low-income homeowners aged 62 or older to repair, improve or modernize their homes or grants to elderly very-low-income homeowners to remove health and safety hazards.

Information on Home Modifications
Provides a wealth of information on modifying a home to be more accessible. The last two links on this page include funding support information.

Rehabilitation and Therapy Grants

Cindy Donald Dreams of Recovery Foundation
Dreams of Recovery strives to help individuals receive the therapy they so desperately need, as well as the necessary therapeutic equipment to promote nerve regeneration and gain muscle mass.
Telephone: 770-675-6565

Chanda Plan Foundation
The mission of the Chanda Plan Foundation is to improve the quality of life for persons with physical disabilities through direct services and systemic change to access integrative therapies. Our direct services include acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, adaptive exercise and adaptive yoga. Services are provided at the foundation and at provider locations nationwide.

Awards scholarships to Spinal Cord Injury Patients in need of financial assistance at approved recovery based therapy facilities.
(214) 417-8466

Falling Forward Foundation
Supporting patients recovering from catastrophic medical issues in the Colorado, Illinois, Kansas and Missouri areas. After insurance benefits are exhausted, Falling Forward’s grants allow patients to continue their rehabilitation, to recover to their fullest potential, and to move forward in their lives.
(785) 550 – 8129

Getting Back Up 
Provide qualified and selected individuals with funding for participation in exercise-based recovery programs and the purchase of adaptable products. These programs and products have been proven to greatly improve the physical and emotional well-being of the injured individual.

Tighten The Drag Foundation
Seeks to assist nominated candidates with funding assistance to cover ongoing therapy needs, specialized equipment and helping to organize and fund recreational activities to qualified and nominated recipients to help provide a break from the daily stresses in their life. Because we believe that being in the outdoors is vital and beneficial to the health and well being of every individual, especially those dealing with difficulties in life, we help in assisting you locate programs and professionals in your area that are reputable and who provide much needed fun and variance from your normal daily routines, not only for you but for your family caregivers as well.

Walking with Anthony 
Walking With Anthony’s mission is to forever change the recovery outcome of spinal cord injury, currently perceived as unchangeable.
Phone: (213) 986-6486

Travel Assistance Grants

New Perspective Foundation
Nonprofit organization that helps individuals in Ohio and Florida who are currently hospitalized due to a spinal cord injury by assisting their family and friends with airfare, gasoline and lodging expenses so they can travel to support them in their time of need…

Adaptive Vehicle & Modification Grants

Blood Brothers Foundation
501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides financial support for vehicle modifications for individuals living with spinal cord injuries.
Phone: 720-413-1899

MobilityWorks Foundation
Non-profit organization that will provide financial assistance and or equipment to selected individuals requiring adaptive vehicles or driving aids… The Foundation’s goal is to make the world accessible for physically challenged individuals and families. The Foundation will provide financial assistance and or equipment to selected, qualified applicants requiring adaptive vehicles or driving aids. Phone:

The Ralph Braun Foundation
Organization dedicated to assisting folks with purchasing mobility transportation equipment. The Ralph Braun Foundation was created for a simple purpose: to assist those with mobility needs through education, information and product acquisition.
Phone: 574-946-4139 x 3378

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