June 16, 2015

Five Reasons to Become an Adaptive Fitness Coach

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Whether you want to train a larger scope of clients, or you need to find better adaptive solutions to your own fitness needs the answer is to become an Adaptive Fitness Coach. Some athletes may ask, what is the Adaptive seminar about and when will they use it? It’s not a matter of if, it’s when you use it! You may find that taking an Adaptive Fitness Seminar with Crossroads Adaptive Fitness Alliance can improve everyone’s gym experience!


Tips for better form and better exercises

The Adaptive Coaches Seminars are being held all over the US by the Crossroads Adaptive Fitness Alliance. They will offer personal trainers and adaptive athletes the tools for a better and safer workout. Many fitness coaches admit that this is a grey area in training and there is a solution. Becoming an adaptive coach will allow an individual to better serve their community and offer safe spotting techniques and new exercises.




Become an advocate for inclusion sports

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed by the US Congress more than two decades ago. It provides equal opportunity for persons with disabilities at work and public places. An area where I find there are not enough options is at the fitness center or gym. When you take a stand for human rights, you make the world a better place for every person that walks the earth. This movement needs attention and voices that will be heard. It’s going to take education for ourselves so we can educate the community.


Integrate the community and promote fitness for all

Fitness for all is the main theme of the Adaptive Fitness Movement. Adaptive Fitness also known as, Inclusive, Integrative and Total Access Fitness is a movement to make fitness accessible to all. Adaptive Fitness will change mainstream gyms will create new opportunities of independence for disabled gym patrons.

Personal trainers and fitness professionals need to start asking why their gyms don’t have adaptive fitness equipment or programs. The more attention that is brought to this issue, the sooner there will be equity for Adaptive Fitness. Today many YMCAs have classes and equipment specialized to adaptive fitness.


Be a part of a supportive alliance

When you join the Crossroads Adaptive Fitness Alliance, you become a member of a movement toward equality for all individuals in fitness. You become a part of a supportive team of people who want to see more Adaptive Fitness education, classes and training. Health Clubs, in the future, will hopefully ha mandatory laws governing adaptive fitness equipment and training in all gyms in the US.


Broaden your scope of training

When you become an Adaptive Fitness Coach you learn the tools to train a larger scope of individuals. Whether you are trying to find solutions to your own adaptive needs or coach others to fitness success. The future of Adaptive Fitness is rapidly advancing with solutions for a large scope of individuals. Become a part of the movement!



Author: Susan E. Harmon AFAA CPT/ ACE Sports Nutrition B.A Media Studies

Facebook – Susan (Elle) Harmon

Twitter – Susan_Fitness

Instagram – @suelifestyles



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Jan 11


January 11, 2018 - January 14, 2018
Miami FL
United States
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Adaptive Coaches Seminar

January 27, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Bedford TX
United States
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February 24, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Cali Valle del Cauca